To get the maximum pleasure from intercourse, both partners are important for smooth and proper hydration of the genital organs. This favours the residual amount of lubricant, natural lubricant stands out the sexual organs of women and men under the influence of sexual excitement, the tide of blood and increase in the level of sex hormones. And if the men, there is no problem, because it does not distinguish fat for women — an urgent matter.

To understand, why does not distinguish natural lubrication, arousal and desire for sexual activity, it is necessary to examine in detail the specificity of the work of the genital organs, and which processes are responsible for the appearance of the ducatus. In medicine lubricant called a secret that can highlight the breast of organs. Vaginal dryness also has a medical term — atrophic vaginitis.
In the body of a woman is responsible for the assignment of lubrication?
Itself the vagina is a muscle in the elastic channel, which is outside the stratified epithelium. Warranty the upper epithelial layer is a mucous membrane with its complex microflora. For the allocation of lubrication are responsible for special breast in the epithelium of the vagina, are under the influence of a number of factors that need to produce a clear liquid that is odorless and color.
For the allocation of lubrication also respond the circulatory system, as well as beneath the inflow of blood to the genital epithelium, sometimes thickens, which results in a sort of pressure to the selection of the glands ducatus of natural origin. An important role in the process of selection of lubrication has the hormonal system of a woman, which has a major influence on the libido and on the degree of excitability of the female body.
Because there is no lubrication of the girl when excited?
If a woman is not lubrication even in a moment of strong sexual excitement during the sexual relationship, on his end, most likely, it is the presence of disturbances and violations. From the point of view of medicine, atrophic vaginitis is immediate microdamage, which is accompanied by a lowering of the secretion of the glands in the walls of the vagina. The background of this natural lubrication, does not produce the sexual organs.
The reasons why he stopped to stand out lubrication:
- If you are talking about women between the ages of 40-60 years, it may be due to the menopause. Against the background of such a change in the body reduces the level of estrogen hormone system, which in the first place is responsible for the operation of the glands.
- Reduction of estrogen can be caused by the intake of hormonal drugs, such as antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs, drugs fibroids, antihistamines, and diuretics.
- Personal hygiene items, which were selected correctly, can also influence the work of the genital organs and of the glands. That is to say the funds with aromas, odorants, synthetic substances and colorants.
- Lead to a reduction of the fat can receive hormonal funds with progesterone, which acts as an antagonist of estrogen.
- The physiological causes are the premenstrual period, and even menstruation.
- A little lubricant may be for women who abuse bad habits that affect the circulatory system, and working the secretory glands, and also on the hormonal background.
- The effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, that affect negatively the functioning of the hormonal system.
- The cause can also become Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects several different breast and affects the connective tissue.
- The dryness can also be caused by a number of negative factors — irrigation frequent, the presence of urinary tract infections and viral diseases, and also the operation for the removal of the ovaries.
- The most common cause of shortage of the secret of a woman's period of pregnancy and after the delivery phase, when occurs the restructuring of the hormonal system.

Also to causes of atrophic vaginitis can be attributed to the frequent situations of stress, physical exercise, psycho-emotional disorders.
What to do?
Before you look for methods of resolution of such a diagnosis, such as atrophic vaginitis, the woman it is important to understand exactly the cause of this phenomenon. For this there is a need to see a gynecologist, after that the specialist identify the cause of the failure and will designate the methodology of the therapy. Often the treatment of vaginal dryness is based on the restoration of hormonal balance.
For a reference! If the causes of vaginal dryness steel urinary of the disease, there may be an appropriate treatment of antibiotics.
Local treatment of atrophic vaginitis involves the following measures:
- The application of candles from dryness — insert suppositories need each day 1 at a time, for a month, for 2 thing on for a certain time until the disappearance of the problem.
- Introduction estrogen rings 1 every 3 months, so as to saturate the sexual organs hormones.
- The application of creams hormonal estrogen, for the use of which it may be necessary to the applicator. Apply the tool must first of 1 time per day in the first weeks, after that 3 times a week until the disappearance of the problem.

In a number of different cases, the specialist may prescribe the intake of hormones in the form of tablets. In this case, you must comply with all the patterns and dosage, as well as the irrational application of hormones possible side effects. Excess estrogen can also lead to cancer. When no contraindications to hormones a specialist may prescribe a herbal medicine — borova uterus, hops extract, melatonin, etc.
In addition to pharmacological treatment, to hydrate the genitals you can apply the tools for symptomatic treatment – moisturizers and lubricants water-based lubricants, which are suitable for everyday use. Otherwise there are risks of trauma to the vaginal, which leads to a series of secondary developed infections (see the introduction wounds and cracks freedom the pathogen) and disease (on the background of the inflammatory process).